Sunday 10 June 2012

Sheff Doc/Fest

A vector image I've been working on in illustrator which can be featured on  Festival program or posters/ad shells etc.

This ideas was first a hand drawn sketch of mine, I then scanned it into my laptop and started adding the outline to it in Illustrator. I tried to use different line weights in order to show the different parts of the sketch and also to show which objects were closer than others.

Doc Fest logo development:

From initial sketches and ideas,

To my final logo, I decided to keep it very simple therefore the artwork within the campaign could be more detailed. The logo has two elements, SDF the initials of Sheffield Doc/Fest and the year '12 for 2012 which allows it to stand out from the previous years that this Festival has been around for. 

Font: Arial
Style: Regular
Main color: Black
Element color: Pantone 214 EC

Each letter should join the letter below it at a certain point, below I will show the guidelines  for this.

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