Thursday 6 June 2013

Personal Promo

Prep for Industry:
- CV
- Business Card
-Promotional Item
- Website

Green City Coffee

Here are some of my initial sketches of logo ideas for Green City Coffee.

Below is a mock up of my final stationery amongst other products including:
-Business Card
-Letter Head
-Compliment Slip
-Takeaway Cups

Monday 11 June 2012

Doc/Fest Typographic Image

Here is a typographic image I have been working on in Photoshop. The idea was to have loads of words that all together describe what a documentary is, AND what the Festival is itself. By using different fonts and sizes I thought this gave it a good eclectic visual appeal and by doing this I made some words stand out more than others.

I used a gradient/texture effect on the background to achieve the 'gritty' effect, and made a light source in the middle, meaning the lightest point is behind the text.

Through different stages:

Sunday 10 June 2012

Sheff Doc/Fest

A vector image I've been working on in illustrator which can be featured on  Festival program or posters/ad shells etc.

This ideas was first a hand drawn sketch of mine, I then scanned it into my laptop and started adding the outline to it in Illustrator. I tried to use different line weights in order to show the different parts of the sketch and also to show which objects were closer than others.

Doc Fest logo development:

From initial sketches and ideas,

To my final logo, I decided to keep it very simple therefore the artwork within the campaign could be more detailed. The logo has two elements, SDF the initials of Sheffield Doc/Fest and the year '12 for 2012 which allows it to stand out from the previous years that this Festival has been around for. 

Font: Arial
Style: Regular
Main color: Black
Element color: Pantone 214 EC

Each letter should join the letter below it at a certain point, below I will show the guidelines  for this.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Are You Product Loyal? (Advertising Essay)

I first tried Jack Daniels a few years ago at my friends' house party, and have loved it ever since. I actually don't like any other Whiskey, but I think that JD in particular has a slightly different taste. Since being 18 and being 'legal' to drink, I have always ordered 'Double JD and Cokes' on a night out, I think of them as being my signature drink (all my friends even knew what 'birthday drink' to buy me this year when we went out in Nottingham). 

My obsession over the years has grown, and I have a collection of Jack Daniels merchandise which is continuing to grow also. Some of the pieces of JD merchandise that I have collected are:
- Glasses                                    - Posters
- Drinks Stirrers                         - Ice Tray
- Recipe Book                            - Bottle Opener
- BBQ sauce                               - T-Shirt

I even keep all of my empty bottles of JD, as I have all different sized ones that I line up on the shelf in my bedroom, almost like ornaments that remind me of messy nights out. I'm not exactly sure what it is about the brand that attracts me to it so much. I love the 'black and white' brand identity, and the fact that it has a 'vintage', 'old fashioned' aura about it - although it is becoming an increasingly popular young person's drink. When I went to Leeds Festival a few years ago, I even saw a lot of young girls wearing Jack Daniels T-shirts, some were clearly under 18, which gives the impression they may be wearing it as a brand name, rather than for the fact that they actually like the drink itself. These girls must have somewhere down the line thought that it was 'fashionable' to wear the brand, and for this reason Jack Daniels will always be a big name because its Merchandise is also selling well.

I especially like their 'Happy Holidays' Christmas 2011 ad campaign, where the bottle gets wrapped up as a present at the end, again I like the consistent black and white theme that they apply to their brand.


In this case, as you can probably already tell - I am extremely product loyal, and I think that this will always be a favorite brand name of mine.

Graffiti - Art or Vandalism?

Here are a few examples of what this program could be advertised as, fitting all the features/identity of the '4ward' channel. I created these using Photoshop.

Here is an example of how the program could be advertised during the credits of the program before it:

The other way that the program could be advertised is during advert breaks, where the channel shows a list of shows that will be on during that specific day (almost like a on screen TV Guide). A few examples of how this would look like are shown below: